6.2.6 E

End of file inside conditional.

The assembler identified a missing conditional-end directive. Terminate the conditional before the end of the file.

End of macro inside conditional.

The assembler identified a missing macro-end directive. Terminate the macro before the end of the file.

Expected address expression.

The expression was illegal, absent, or bignum but it should have been a constant address.

Expected comma after %s.

The arguments for this directive must be separated by a comma.

Expected comma after name `%s' in .size directive.

The arguments for this directive must be separated by a comma.

Expected quoted string.

The argument should be a quoted string.

Expected simple number.

This argument must be a simple number.

Expected symbol name.

This argument must be a symbol name.

Expression out of range.

The expression is out of range for the directive or instruction (e.g. 32-bit value when a 32-bit value is expected)

Expression too complex.

The expression should be a symbol or constant.