ZCL functions used to implement Over-The-AIR upgrade.

ZCL_Cluster_t ZCL_GetOtauClientCluster (void)

Gets Otau's cluster.

ZCL_Cluster_t ZCL_GetOtauServerCluster (void)

Gets Otau's cluster.

ZCL_Status_t ZCL_StartOtauService (ZCL_OtauInitParams_t *pInitParam, ZCL_OtauStatInd_t ind)

OTAU parametres initialization. Start server discovery procedure on client side or start server.

ZCL_Status_t ZCL_StopOtauService (ZCL_OtauInitParams_t *pInitParam)

Stop OTAU service. (It is not implemented for client)

bool ZCL_UnsolicitedUpgradeEndResp (ZCL_Addressing_t *addressing, ZCL_OtauUpgradeEndResp_t *resp)

The server may send an unsolicited Upgrade End Response command to the client. This may be used for example if the server wants to synchronize the upgrade on multiple clients simultaneously.

bool ZCL_ImageNotifyReq (ZCL_Addressing_t *addressing, ZCL_OtauImageNotify_t *resp)

This is called by the server to send image notify command to client

void ZCL_ConfigureOtauImageKey (void(*configureKeyDone)())

Configure OTAU image key