BDB Commissioning APIs

BDB APIs related to commissioning is listed here

void BDB_ConfigureInstallCode(ExtAddr_t deviceAddress, uint8_t *installCode, IcStatusCallback_t pfCallback)

This API calculates the CRC for the install code and compare with the given CRC. Derives the link key using SSP AES and sets the key in APS Key Pair Set

bool BDB_InvokeCommissioning(BDB_InvokeCommissioningReq_t *req)

The commissioning API invokes the commissioning based on the given information in the request structure

void void BDB_ResetVia_TouchlinkCluster(ResetTargetCallback_t pfcallback)

Resets the target device to factory defaults using touchlink commissioning cluster. TBD-Whether such API is needed or not based on application defintion

void BDB_SetInstallCodeUsage(bool useInstallCode)

Sets the install code usage at the trust center

void BDB_SetNodeJoinTimeout(uint8_t timeOutInSec)

Sets the Node Join TimeOut

void BDB_SetTCLKExchangeMethod(uint8_t exchangeMethod)

Sets the TCLK Exchange Method BDB attribute

void BDB_SetTCLKRetryMaxAttempts(uint8_t attempts)

Sets the TCLK Retry Max Attempts BDB attribute

void BDB_SetTCRequireKeyExchange(bool requireKeyExchange)

Sets the Trust center Require key change or not of the joining device

void BDB_SetToulinkRole(bool initiator)

Sets the Touchlink role