6.1.1 Configuring Wi-Fi

Perform the following steps to configure the Wi-Fi module.
  1. Open the MHC using MPLAB IDE.
  2. Navigate to Tools > Embedded > MPLAB Harmony Configuration. The following MHC menu displays.
    Figure 6-2. MHC Menu
  3. Navigate to MPLAB Harmony & Application Configuration-Harmony Framework Configuration-Drivers > Wi-Fi.
    Figure 6-3. Folder Structure
    The Wi-Fi module provides an option to enable the Wi-Fi driver and to specify the SPI instance used for SPI communication along with the NVM and RTOS configuration.
    Note: These configuration selections are based on the user’s application design.
    The following image shows the Wi-Fi module pin mapping of the host MCU with the MRF24WX module along with the default configuration of the Wi-Fi network user and passphrase.
    Figure 6-4. SPI Communication Setup