4.2.2 Configuring Bus (SPI) Wrapper

Perform the following changes in the bus (SPI) wrapper file.

  1. Modify the following set of functions based on the PIC24 MCU bus (SPI) in the nm_bsp_PIC24.c file.
    • nm_bus_init – This function is used for the SPI bus initialize functionality.
    • nm_bus_ioctl – This function provides the sending/receiving of data using the SPI functionality.
    • nm_bus_deinit – This function is used for the SPI bus de-initialize functionality.
    • nm_bus_reinit – This function is used for the SPI bus re-initialize functionality.
      The following is the modified nm_bsp_PIC24.c file source code.
      #include "../mcc_generated_files/mcc.h"
      #include "bsp/include/nm_bsp.h"
      #include "common/include/nm_common.h"
      #include "conf_winc.h"
      #include "../main.h"
      tpfNmBspIsr gpfIsr;
      /* *	@fn		init_chip_pins
       *	@brief	Initialize reset, chip enable and wake pin
      static void init_chip_pins(void)
          // Initialization HANDLED in MCC
          // Set initial values for the GPIO signals
       *	@fn		nm_bsp_init
       *	@brief	Initialize BSP
       *	@return	0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure
      sint8 nm_bsp_init(void)
      	gpfIsr = NULL;
      	/* Initialize chip IOs. */
      	/* Perform chip reset. */
      	return M2M_SUCCESS;
      /** *	@fn		nm_bsp_deinit
       *	@brief	De-iInitialize BSP
       *	@return	0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure */
      sint8 nm_bsp_deinit(void)
      {    // HANDLED BY MCC
      	return M2M_SUCCESS;
      /** *	@fn		nm_bsp_reset
       *	@brief	Reset NMC1500 SoC by setting CHIP_EN and RESET_N signals low, CHIP_EN high then RESET_N high */
      void nm_bsp_reset(void)
       *	@fn		nm_bsp_sleep
       *	@brief	Sleep in units of mSec
       *	@param[IN]	u32TimeMsec
       *				Time in milliseconds
      void nm_bsp_sleep(uint32 u32TimeMsec)
      	while (u32TimeMsec--) {
       *	@fn		nm_bsp_register_isr
       *	@brief	Register interrupt service routine
       *	@param[IN]	pfIsr
       *				Pointer to ISR handler
      void nm_bsp_register_isr(tpfNmBspIsr pfIsr)
      	gpfIsr = pfIsr;
       *	@fn		nm_bsp_interrupt_ctrl
       *	@brief	Enable/Disable interrupts
       *	@param[IN]	u8Enable
       *				'0' disable interrupts. '1' enable interrupts
      void nm_bsp_interrupt_ctrl(uint8 u8Enable)
      	if (u8Enable) {
      	} else {
  2. Modify the nm_bsp_PIC24.h file to the following:
    #ifndef _NM_BSP_PIC24_H_
    #define _NM_BSP_PIC24_H_
    #include "conf_winc.h" 
    #define NM_EDGE_INTERRUPT  (1) 
    #define NM_DEBUG            CONF_WINC_DEBUG
    #endif /* _NM_BSP_PIC24_H_ */
  3. Right click on the project Source Files, then choose Add Existing Items from Folders... to add the ATWINC1500 source code to the project.
    Figure 4-9. Adding ATWINC1500 Source Code to Project
  4. Click Add Folder, then provide the path “wifi_PIC24F_WINC15x0\wifi_PIC24F_WINC15x0.X\winc1500” and select all of the files types.
  5. Create the configuration files.
    • Right click the project Header Files, then create the config directory.
      Figure 4-10. Folder Structure
    • In the “config” directory, create the conf_winc.h file, then add the following code:
      #ifndef CONF_WINC_H_INCLUDED
      #define CONF_WINC_H_INCLUDED
      #ifdef __cplusplus
      extern "C" {
      #include "../mcc_generated_files/mcc.h"   
         ---------- SPI settings ---------
      #define CONF_WINC_USE_SPI				(1)
       /** SPI pin and instance settings. */   
      #define WINC_SPI_INTERFACE              SPI2  
      // Define functions used by the WINC1500 driver to interface with
      // the SPI bus
      #define WINC_SPI_TRANSCEIVE     SPI2_Exchange8bit 
      #define WINC_SPI_SELECT_SLAVE   SPI_SS_SetLow()
      #define WINC_SPI_UNSELECT_SLAVE SPI_SS_SetHigh()    
      /** WINC1500 External Interrupt Enable/Disable functions */    
      #define WINC_INT_ENABLE            EX_INT3_InterruptEnable()
      #define WINC_INT_DISABLE           EX_INT3_InterruptDisable()
      /** GPIO control definitions */
      #define WINC_ASSERT_RESET()             WINC_RESET_SetLow()               
      #define WINC_RELEASE_RESET()            WINC_RESET_SetHigh()  
      #define WINC_ASSERT_CHIP_EN()           WINC_CHIP_EN_SetHigh()               
      #define WINC_RELEASE_CHIP_EN()          WINC_CHIP_EN_SetLow()      
      #define WINC_WAKE_HIGH()                WINC_WAKE_SetHigh()               
      #define WINC_WAKE_LOW()                 WINC_WAKE_SetLow()
      #define CONF_WINC_DEBUG					(1)
      #define CONF_WINC_PRINTF				printf
      #ifdef __cplusplus
      #endif /* CONF_WINC_H_INCLUDED */
  6. Right click on the project, then choose Properties. Add __PIC24__ in "Define common macros" field.
    Figure 4-11. Adding PIC24 to Common Macro
  7. Add the folder path of winc1500 and config in the "C include dirs" field.
    Figure 4-12. Adding Folder Path