4.2.1 Configuring Board Support Package

Perform the following changes in the Board Support Package (BSP).

  1. Add the following code in the “wifi_PIC24F_WINC15x0\wifi_PIC24F_WINC15x0.X\ \winc1500\bsp\include\nm_bsp_internal.h”.
    #ifdef _PIC24_
    #include "bsp/include/nm_bsp_PIC24.h"
  2. Modify the following set of functions in the nm_bus_wrapper_PIC24.c file based on the PIC24 MCU BSP.
    • nm_bsp_init – This function is used to initialize the BSP to prepare the ATWINC before it starts working.
    • nm_bsp_deinit – This function is used to de-initialize the BSP.
    • nm_bsp_reset – This function is used to reset the ATWINC board by setting the CHIP_EN and RESET_N signals low, and, after a specific delay, the function sets the CHIP_EN high, then sets RESET_N high.
    • nm_bsp_sleep – This function is used to set the host to sleep for the specified duration.
    • nm_bsp_register_isr – This function is used to register the host interface interrupt service routine.
    • nm_bsp_interrupt_ctrl – This function is used to enable/disable the interrupt.

      The following is the modified nm_bus_wrapper_PIC24.c file source code.

      #include "../mcc_generated_files/mcc.h"
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include "bsp/include/nm_bsp.h"
      #include "common/include/nm_common.h"
      #include "bus_wrapper/include/nm_bus_wrapper.h"
      #include "conf_winc.h"
      #define NM_BUS_MAX_TRX_SZ	256
      tstrNmBusCapabilities egstrNmBusCapabilities =
      #ifdef CONF_WINC_USE_SPI
      static sint8 spi_rw(uint8* pu8Mosi, uint8* pu8Miso, uint16 u16Sz)
      	uint8 u8Dummy = 0;
      	uint8 u8SkipMosi = 0, u8SkipMiso = 0;
      	uint16_t txd_data = 0;
      	uint16_t rxd_data = 0;
      	if (!pu8Mosi) {
      		pu8Mosi = &u8Dummy;
      		u8SkipMosi = 1;
      	else if(!pu8Miso) {
      		pu8Miso = &u8Dummy;
      		u8SkipMiso = 1;
      	else {
      		return M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL;
      	//spi_select_slave(&master, &slave_inst, true);
      	while (u16Sz) {
      		txd_data = *pu8Mosi;
              rxd_data = WINC_SPI_TRANSCEIVE(txd_data);
              *pu8Miso = rxd_data;
      		if (!u8SkipMiso)
      		if (!u8SkipMosi)
      	return M2M_SUCCESS;
      /**	@fn		nm_bus_init
      *	@brief	Initialize the bus wrapper
      *	@return	M2M_SUCCESS in case of success and M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL in case of failure
      sint8 nm_bus_init(void *pvinit)
      	sint8 result = M2M_SUCCESS;
           // Make sure that the slave is unselected.
          // SPI Should already be enabled via MCC init code
      	return result;
      *	@fn		nm_bus_ioctl
      *	@brief	send/receive from the bus
      *	@param[IN]	u8Cmd
      *					IOCTL command for the operation
      *	@param[IN]	pvParameter
      *					Arbitrary parameter depenging on IOCTL
      *	@return	M2M_SUCCESS in case of success and M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL in case of failure
      *	@note	For SPI only, it's important to be able to send/receive at the same time
      sint8 nm_bus_ioctl(uint8 u8Cmd, void* pvParameter)
      	sint8 s8Ret = 0;
      #ifdef defined CONF_WINC_USE_SPI
      		case NM_BUS_IOCTL_RW: {
      			tstrNmSpiRw *pstrParam = (tstrNmSpiRw *)pvParameter;
      			s8Ret = spi_rw(pstrParam->pu8InBuf, pstrParam->pu8OutBuf, pstrParam->u16Sz);
      			s8Ret = -1;
      			M2M_ERR("invalide ioclt cmd\n");
      	return s8Ret;
      *	@fn		nm_bus_deinit
      *	@brief	De-initialize the bus wrapper
      sint8 nm_bus_deinit(void)
      	sint8 result = M2M_SUCCESS;
      	return result;
      *	@fn			nm_bus_reinit
      *	@brief		re-initialize the bus wrapper
      *	@param [in]	void *config
      *					re-init configuration data
      *	@return		M2M_SUCCESS in case of success and M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL in case of failure
      *	@author		Dina El Sissy
      *	@date		19 Sept 2012
      *	@version	1.0
      sint8 nm_bus_reinit(void* config)
      	return M2M_SUCCESS;