3.6 Connecting to an SWD Target

The ARM SWD interface is s subset of the JTAG interface, making use of TCK and TMS pins, which means that when connecting to an SWD device, the 10-pin JTAG connector can technically be used. The ARM JTAG and AVR JTAG connectors are however not pin-compatible, so this depends upon the layout of the target board in use. When using STK600 or a board making use of the AVR JTAG pinout, the standard JTAG connector can be used. When connecting to a board which makes use of the ARM JTAG pinout, the 10-pin "mini-squid" cable must be used. (There are no adapters available from Atmel to make this mapping.)

Table 3-5. Connecting to SWD using the Mini-squid Cable
JTAGICE3 pin Target pins Mini-squid pin ARM SWD pin
Pin 2 (GND)GND23, 5, 9 (GND)
Pin 3 (TDO)SWO (optional)36
Pin 4 (VTG)VTG41 (VCC)
Pin 6 (nSRST)RESET610 (nRESET)
Pin 7 (Not connected)7
Pin 8 (nTRST)8
Pin 9 (TDI)9
Pin 10 (GND)03, 5, 9 (GND)