4.5.1 Receiver Performance

The receiver performance is tested under the following conditions:
  • VBAT = 3.3V
  • VDDIO = 3.3V
  • Temp: 25°C
  • Measured after RF matching network
The following table provides the Bluetooth receiver performance characteristics for the ATWINC3400-MR210xA module.
Table 4-6. Bluetooth Receiver Performance Characteristics

Sensitivity (ideal Tx)

Bluetooth Low Energy (GFSK)-92.5dBm
Maximum receive signal levelBluetooth Low Energy (GFSK)-2
Interference performance (Bluetooth Low Energy)Co-channel9dB
adjacent + 1 MHz-4
adjacent - 1 MHz-2
adjacent + 2 MHz (image frequency)-24
adjacent - 2 MHz-25
adjacent + 3 MHz (adjacent to image)-27
adjacent - 3 MHz-27
adjacent + 4 MHz-28
adjacent - 4 MHz-27
adjacent + 5 MHz-27
adjacent - 5 MHz-27