Counter Operation
Depending on the mode of operation, the counter is cleared, reloaded, incremented or decremented at each TCC clock input (CLK_TCCx_COUNT). A counter clear or reload mark the end of the current counter cycle and the start of a new one.
The counting direction is set by the Direction bit in the Control B register (CTRLB.DIR). If the bit is zero, it is counting up, and, if the bit is one, it is counting down.
The counter will count up or down for each tick (clock or event) until it reaches TOP or ZERO. When it is counting up and TOP is reached, the counter is set to zero at the next tick (overflow) and the Overflow Interrupt Flag in the Interrupt Flag Status and Clear register (INTFLAG.OVF) is set. When down-counting, the counter is reloaded with the TOP value when ZERO is reached (underflow) and INTFLAG.OVF is set.
INTFLAG.OVF can be used to trigger an interrupt or an event. An overflow/underflow occurrence (in other words, a compare match with TOP/ZERO) will stop counting if the One-Shot bit in the Control B register is set (CTRLBSET.ONESHOT). The One-Shot feature is explained in the Additional Features section.
It is possible to change the counter value (by writing directly in the COUNT register) even when the counter is running. The COUNT value will always be ZERO or TOP, depending on the direction set by CTRLBSET.DIR or CTRLBCLR.DIR, when starting the TCC, unless a different value was written to it or the TCC was stopped at a value other than ZERO. The write access has higher priority than count, clear or reload. The direction of the counter can also be changed during normal operation. See Figure 41-3 for more information.