Usage Model for Fault Injection in ECC Mode

Fault Injection occurs at only the Flash address selected by the SFR FFLTADR[31:0]. The FFLTCTRL field FLTMD[2:0] determines the type of fault injected, (single or double) and if it is for reads or writes of Flash. The two fields in the FFLTPTR register, FLT1PTR and FLT2PTR, point to the Vector bit or bits (as ordered in Table 2-3) to invert. Single fault injection always uses FLT1PTR.

Fault Injection always occurs between the ECC logic and the Flash. For writes this means that errors are inject after the ECC/Parity calculation but prior to the data write to Flash. For reads this means that errors are injected after the read from Flash but prior to ECC/Parity calculation.

In FFLTPAR, the SFR fields SECIN and DEDIN capture the parity bits as they are read from the Flash. They have no meaning for writes as the bits are always driven to zeros (during reads and writes) for the calculation. The SFR fields SECOUT and DEDOUT capture the calculated value for either reads or writes.

In FFLTSYN, the SFR field SECSYN captures the syndrome of the read. This is the XOR of the SECIN with SECOUT. The SFR field DEDSYN captures the overall parity of the values read from Flash. If there is NO Overall Parity change this bit is ZERO. If there is an Overall Parity change this bit is ONE. The following table shows how each of the four conditions are determined. For SEC, the SECSYN points to the bit that was in ERROR.

Though the ECC/Parity mode bits CTL are not used in this mode, the CTLFLT bits are still effective. They will alter writes and reads of that field. However, since CTL is not used in ECC Mode, errors in CTL have no effect on the ECC calculation or correction.

In ECC Mode, the fields PERR, CTLSTAT and CERR in FFLTSYN are meaningless.

Table 31-24. Error Decode
Zero000No Error
Zero110DED parity Bit Error
Non-Zero001Double Error
Non-Zero110SEC – Data bit error corrected