Framed SPI Operation

The SPI supports Framed SPI protocol while operating in either Host or Client mode. The CTRLC.FRMEN bit enables Framed SPI modes and causes the SS pin to be used as a frame synchronization (FSYNC) input or output pin. The state of CTRLB.MSSEN bit is then ignored.

Unlike in normal SPI mode, the serial clock is continuous (free-running) in Framed SPI mode rather than being generated only when there is data to be transmitted. The data transmission/reception starts only when the frame synchronization is generated at the FSYNC pin. The device can be either a frame host if it generates the frame sync or a frame client if it receives the frame sync at the FSYNC pin. In other words, only a frame host can generate the frame synchronization pulse.

Frame Host or Client mode is selected by clearing or setting the CTRLC.FMODE bit, respectively. The frame synchronization can be an active-high or an active-low pulse based on the CTRLC.FSPOL. It can have either one SCK clock duration, or frame duration, based on the CTRLC.FSLEN settings.

Irrespective of which device is a host and which is a client, a framed SPI data transfer begins as soon as the frame host generates the frame sync and writes the data to DATA. For full-duplex operation, the frame client should write to its buffer before the frame host does, in order to ensure that the data is ready at both ends when the data transfer begins.