typedef struct
    SYS_TIME_RESULT timerStartPeriodicTestMode, timerStartDataMode, timerStopPeriodicTestMode, timerStopDataMode;
    SYS_TIME_HANDLE sysTimerPeriodicTestModeHandle, sysTimerDataModeHandle,sysTimerThroughputHandle;
    uint32_t periodicSysTimer;
    uint32_t singleShotSysTimer;
    uint32_t throughputSysTimer;


The structure contains the member variables of SYS TIMER Handle, SYS TIMER Result Structure and Timer variables of 32 bit in microseconds. This variables are used to provide time in microsecs as input parameter for data modes and test modes. For the app mode switching purpose console commands can be used. Please refer Operating Modes of application and Command Table section for more details.

Field Documentation

Field Description
timerStartPeriodicTestMode, timerStartDataMode, timerStopPeriodicTestMode, timerStopDataMode SYS Timer Start Flags in different app modes
sysTimerPeriodicTestModeHandle, sysTimerDataModeHandle,sysTimerThroughputHandle SYS Timer object Handle Flags in different app modes
periodicSysTimer Periodic SYS Timer for Periodic Test Mode
singleShotSysTimer Single Shot SYS Timer for Data Mode
throughputSysTimer Throughput Test Mode SYS Timer