
Timer synchronization and output logic level depend on the selected Waveform Generation Mode (WGMODE) bit field in Control B (TCFn.CTRLB) register.

Writing the Waveform Output Enable (WOnEN) bit in Control C (TCFn.CTRLC) register to '1' enables the waveform output, making the waveform output available on the corresponding pin, overriding the value in the corresponding PORT and DIR registers.

The table below lists the different configurations and their impact on the output.

Table 25-5. Output Configuration
WOnENWGMODEWaveform Output
18-bit PWM modeOutput follows PWM waveform
Frequency or NCO modesOutput follows Frequency waveform
0Not applicableNo output
Important: It is not possible to change modes while the peripheral is enabled. There is a possibility that an interrupt flag is set during the timer configuration. It is recommended to clear the Timer/Counter Interrupt Flags (TCFn.INTFLAGS) register after configuring the peripheral.

The waveform outputs to the Event System and CCL are bypassing the output enable. The figure below shows the waveform output logic for the TCF.

Figure 25-8. Waveform Output to the Pin, Event System and CCL