Lto-partition Option

The -flto-partition=algorithm option controls the algorithm used to partition object files when running the link-time optimizer. Multiple partitions can be optimized in parallel, which might reduce the memory and processing time required by the compiler.

The argument none disables partitioning entirely and executes the link-time optimization step directly from the whole program analysis (WPA) phase. This mode of operation will produce the most optimal results at the expense of larger compiler memory requirements and longer build times, although this is unlikely to be an issue with small programs.

The one algorithm argument specifies that link-time optimizations should be performed on the whole program as a single unit, rather than splitting it into smaller partitions. This can result in better optimization opportunities, especially for interprocedural analysis and transformations, but it also requires the most memory and computational time during the link phase.

Selecting the option argument to 1to1 splits the program so that each original compilation unit becomes a separate partition. This can reduce the computational memory and time requirements significantly but might also reduce the runtime performance benefits of the optimization.

The default argument is balanced, which specifies partitioning into a given number of parts of roughly the same size, based on the call graph. This algorithm tries to balance the trade-off between computational memory and time, as well as runtime performance.