33.9.12 Instruction Frame

Offset: 0x38
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: -

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 00000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 0000000 

Bits 20:16 – DUMMYLEN[4:0] Dummy Cycles Length

The DUMMYLEN field defines the number of dummy cycles required by the serial Flash memory before data transfer.

Bit 15 – DDREN Double Data Rate Enable

0Double Data Rate operating mode is disabled.
1Double Data Rate operating mode is enabled.

Bit 14 – CRMODE Continuous Read Mode

This bit defines if the Continuous Read Mode is enabled or disabled.
0Continuous Read Mode is disabled.
1Continuous Read Mode is enabled.

Bits 13:12 – TFRTYPE[1:0] Data Transfer Type

These bits define the data type transfer.
0x0READRead transfer from the serial memory.Scrambling is not performed.Read at random location (fetch) in the serial flash memory is not possible.
0x1READMEMORYRead data transfer from the serial memory.If enabled, scrambling is performed.Read at random location (fetch) in the serial flash memory is possible.
0x2WRITEWrite transfer into the serial memory.Scrambling is not performed.
0x3WRITEMEMORYWrite data transfer into the serial memory. If enabled, scrambling is performed.

Bit 10 – ADDRLEN Address Length

The ADDRLEN bit determines the length of the address.
0x024BITS24-bits address length
0x132BITS32-bits address length

Bits 9:8 – OPTCODELEN[1:0] Option Code Length

The OPTCODELEN field determines the length of the option code. The value written in OPTCODELEN must be coherent with value written in the field WIDTH. For example: OPTCODELEN=0 (1-bit option code) is not coherent with WIDTH=6 (option code sent with QuadSPI protocol, thus the minimum length of the option code is 4-bit).
0x01BIT1-bit length option code
0x12BITS2-bits length option code
0x24BITS4-bits length option code
0x38BITS8-bits length option code

Bit 7 – DATAEN Data Enable

0No data is sent/received to/from the serial flash memory.
1Data is sent/received to/from the serial flash memory.

Bit 6 – OPTCODEEN Option Enable

0The option is not sent to the serial flash memory
1The option is sent to the serial flash memory.

Bit 5 – ADDREN Address Enable

0The transfer address is not sent to the serial flash memory.
1The transfer address is sent to the serial flash memory.

Bit 4 – INSTREN Instruction Enable

0The instruction is not sent to the serial flash memory.
1The instruction is sent to the serial flash memory.

Bits 2:0 – WIDTH[2:0] Instruction Code, Address, Option Code and Data Width

This field defines the width of the instruction code, the address, the option and the data.
0x0SINGLE_BIT_SPIInstruction: Single-bit SPI / Address-Option: Single-bit SPI / Data: Single-bit SPI
0x1DUAL_OUTPUTInstruction: Single-bit SPI / Address-Option: Single-bit SPI / Data: Dual SPI
0x2QUAD_OUTPUTInstruction: Single-bit SPI / Address-Option: Single-bit SPI / Data: Quad SPI
0x3DUAL_IOInstruction: Single-bit SPI / Address-Option: Dual SPI / Data: Dual SPI
0x4QUAD_IOInstruction: Single-bit SPI / Address-Option: Quad SPI / Data: Quad SPI
0x5DUAL_CMDInstruction: Dual SPI / Address-Option: Dual SPI / Data: Dual SPI
0x6QUAD_CMDInstruction: Quad SPI / Address-Option: Quad SPI / Data: Quad SPI