4.20 UPnP Configuration

Configure Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) on the UPnP Configuration page.

Figure 4-88. UPnP Configuration

The UPnP Configuration page has the following parameters:

  • Mode: Indicates the UPnP operation mode. Possible modes are:
    • Enabled: Enable UPnP mode operation
    • Disabled: Disable UPnP mode operation

    When the mode is enabled, two ACEs are added automatically to trap UPnP related packets to CPU. The ACEs are automatically removed when the mode is disabled.

  • TTL: The TTL value is used by UPnP to send SSDP advertisement messages. Read only now.
  • Advertising Duration: The duration, carried in SSDP packets, is used to inform a control point or control points how often it or they must receive an SSDP advertisement message from this switch. If a control point does not receive any message within the duration, it considers that the switch no longer exists. Due to the unreliable nature of UDP, in the standard it is recommended that such refreshing of advertisements to be done at less than one-half of the advertising duration. In the implementation, the switch sends SSDP messages periodically at the interval one-half of the advertising duration minus 30s. Valid values are in the range 100 to 86400. Specified in seconds.
  • IP Addressing Mode: IP addressing mode provides two ways to determine IP address assignment:
    • Dynamic: Default selection for UPnP. UPnP module helps users choose the IP address of the switch device. It finds the first available system IP address.
    • Static: User specifies the IP interface VLAN to choose the IP address of the switch device
  • Static VLAN Interface ID: The index of the specific IP VLAN interface. It is only applied when the IP Addressing Mode is static. Valid configurable values range from 1–4095. The default value is 1.