26.5.1 Control A

Offset: 0x00
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 

Bit 4 – SDASETUP  SDA Setup Time

By default, there are 4 clock cycles of setup time on SDA out signal while reading from slave part of the TWI module. Writing this bit to '1' will change the setup time to 8 clocks.

04CYCSDA setup time is 4 clock cycles
18CYCSDA setup time is 8 clock cycle

Bits 3:2 – SDAHOLD[1:0]  SDA Hold Time

Writing these bits selects the SDA hold time.

Table 26-3. SDA Hold Time
SDAHOLD[1:0]Nominal Hold TimeHold Time Range across All Corners (ns)Description
0x0OFF0Hold time off.
0x150ns36 - 131Backward compatible setting.
0x2300ns180 - 630Meets SMBus specification under typical conditions.
0x3500ns300 - 1050Meets SMBus specification across all corners.

Bit 1 – FMPEN  FM Plus Enable

Writing these bits selects the 1MHz bus speed (Fast mode plus, Fm+) for the TWI in default configuration.

0Fm+ disabled
1Fm+ enabled