26.5.12 Slave Address

Offset: 0x0C
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 7:0 – ADDR[7:0] Address

The slave address register in combination with the slave address mask register (TWI.SADDRMASK) is used by the slave address match logic to determine if a master TWI device has addressed the TWI slave. The slave address interrupt flag (APIF) is set to one if the received address is recognized. The slave address match logic supports recognition of 7- and 10-bits addresses, and general call address.

When using 7-bit or 10-bit address recognition mode, the upper 7-bits of the address register (ADDR[7:1]) represents the slave address and the least significant bit (ADDR[0]) is used for general call address recognition. Setting the ADDR[0] bit in this case enables the general call address recognition logic. The TWI slave address match logic only support recognition of the first byte of a 10-bit address i.e. by setting ADDRA[7:1] = “0b11110aa” where “aa” represents bit 9 and 8 or the slave address. The second 10-bit address byte must be handled by software.