2.7 Main and Lower Power Crystal Oscillator

The tables below describes the electrical characteristics of the main and low power crystal oscillator.

Table 2-84. Electrical Characteristics of the Main Crystal Oscillator
Operating frequencyUsing external crystal0.03220MHz
Using ceramic resonator0.58MHz
Using RC Network0.0324MHz
Output duty cycle50%
Output jitterWith 10 MHz crystal1ns RMS
IDYNXTALOperating currentRC0.6mA
ISTBXTALStandby current of crystal oscillator10µA
PSRRXTALPower supply noise tolerance0.5Vp-p
VIHXTALInput logic level High90% of VCCV
VILXTALInput logic level Low10% of VCCV
Startup timeRC [tested at 3.24 MHz]300550ns
0.032–0.2 [tested at 32 KHz]5003,000ms
0.2–2.0 [tested at 2 MHz]815ms
2.0–20.0 [tested at 20 MHz]160180ns
Table 2-85. Electrical Characteristics of the Low Power Oscillator
Operating frequency32KHz
Output duty cycle50%
Output jitter30ns RMS
IDYNXTALOperating current32 KHz10µA
ISTBXTALStandby current of crystal oscillator2µA
PSRRXTALPower supply noise tolerance0.5Vp-p
VIHXTALInput logic level High90% of VCCV
VILXTALInput logic level Low10% of VCCV
Startup timeTest load used: 20 pF2.5s
Test load used: 30 pF3.713s