2.15 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Characteristics

This section describes the DC and switching of the I2C interface. Unless otherwise noted, all output characteristics given are for a 100 pF load on the pins. For timing parameter definitions, refer to Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Characteristics. 

Table 2-102. I2C Characteristics Military-Case Conditions: TJ = 125 °C, VDD = 1.425V, –1 Speed Grade (continued)
VILMinimum input low voltageSeeTable 2-37
Maximum input low voltageSee Table 2-37
VIHMinimum input high voltageSee Table 2-37
Maximum input high voltageSee Table 2-37
VOLMaximum output voltage lowIOL = 8 mASee Table 2-37
IILInput current highSee Table 2-37
IIHInput current lowSee Table 2-37
VhystHysteresis of Schmitt trigger inputsSee Table 2-33V
TFALLFall time 2VIHmin to VILMax, Cload = 400 pF15.0ns
VIHmin to VILMax, Cload = 100 pF4.0ns
TRISERise time 2VILMax to VIHmin, Cload = 400pF19.5ns
VILMax to VIHmin, Cload = 100pF5.2ns
CinPin capacitanceVIN = 0, f = 1.0 MHz8.0pF
Rpull-upOutput buffer maximum pull-down Resistance 150Ω
Rpull-downOutput buffer maximum pull-up Resistance 1150Ω
DmaxMaximum data rateFast mode400Kbps
tLOWLow period of I2C_x_SCL 31pclk cycles
tHIGHHigh period of I2C_x_SCL 31pclk cycles
tHD;STASTART hold time 31pclk cycles
tSU;STASTART setup time 31pclk cycles
tHD;DATDATA hold time 31pclk cycles
tSU;DATDATA setup time 31pclk cycles
tSU;STOSTOP setup time 31pclk cycles
tFILTMaximum spike width filtered50ns
  1. These maximum values are provided for information only. Minimum output buffer resistance values depend on VCCxxxxIOBx, drive strength selection, temperature, and process. For board design considerations and detailed output buffer resistances, use the corresponding IBIS models located on the Microchip website.
  2. These values are provided for a load of 100 pF and 400 pF. For board design considerations and detailed output buffer resistances, use the corresponding IBIS models located on the Microchip website.
  3. For allowable Pclk configurations, refer to the Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Peripherals section in the SmartFusion Microcontroller Subsystem User’s Guide.
Figure 2-59. I2C Timing Parameter Definition