External Input Source

External shutdown inputs provide the fastest way to safely suspend CWG operation in the event of a Fault condition. When any of the selected shutdown inputs goes active, the CWG outputs will immediately go to the selected override levels without software delay. The override levels are selected by the LSBD and LSAC bits. Several input sources can be selected to cause a shutdown condition. All input sources are active-low. The shutdown input sources are individually enabled by the ASyE bits as shown in the following table:

Table 25-2. Shutdown Sources
ASyE Source
AS7E CLC6_out (low causes shutdown)
AS6E CLC2_out (low causes shutdown)
AS5E CMP2_out (low causes shutdown)
AS4E CMP1_out (low causes shutdown)
AS3E TMR6_postscaled (high causes shutdown)
AS2E TMR4_postscaled (high causes shutdown)
AS1E TMR2_postscaled (high causes shutdown)
AS0E Pin selected by CWGxPPS (low causes shutdown)
Important: Shutdown inputs are level sensitive, not edge sensitive. The shutdown state cannot be cleared, except by disabling auto-shutdown, as long as the shutdown input level persists.