27.2 Modulator Signal Sources

The modulator signal can be supplied from the following sources selected with the SRCS bits:

Table 27-1. MDSRC Selection MUX Connections
SRCS[3:0] Connection
11000-11111 Reserved
10111 CLC8_out
10110 CLC7_out
10101 CLC6_out
10100 CLC5_out
10011 CLC4_out
10010 CLC3_out
10001 CLC2_out
10000 CLC1_out
01111 Reserved
01110 Reserved
01101 EUSART2 TX (TX/CK output)
01100 EUSART2 RX (DT output)
01011 MSSP2 - SDO
01010 MSSP1 - SDO
01001 EUSART1 TX (TX/CK output)
01000 EUSART1 RX (DT output)
00111 CMP2 OUT
00110 CMP1 OUT
00101 PWM4 OUT
00100 PWM3 OUT
00011 CCP2 OUT
00010 CCP1 OUT
00001 MDBIT
00000 Pin selected by MDSRCPPS