26.1.1 Data Selection

There are 64signals available as inputs to the configurable logic. Four 64-input multiplexers are used to select the inputs to pass on to the next stage.

Data selection is through four multiplexers as indicated on the left side of the following diagram. Data inputs in the figure are identified by a generic numbered input name.

Figure 26-2. Input Data Selection and Gating

The following table correlates the generic input name to the actual signal for each CLC module. The column labeled ‘DyS Value’ indicates the MUX selection code for the selected data input. DyS is an abbreviation for the MUX select input codes: D1S through D4S where 'y' is the gate number.

CLC Data Input Sources

DyS Value CLC Input Source DyS Value CLC Input Source
111111 [63] Reserved 011111 [31] IOC_flag
111110 [62] Reserved 011110 [30] ZCD_out
111101 [61] Reserved 011101 [29] CMP2_out
111100 [60] Reserved 011100 [28] CMP1_out
111011 [59] Reserved 011011 [27] PWM4_out
111010 58] Reserved 011010 [26] PWM3_out
111001 [57] Reserved 011001 [25] CCP2_out
111000 [56] Reserved 011000 [24] CCP1 _out
110111 [55] Reserved 010111 [23] TMR6_out
110110 [54] Reserved 010110 [22] TMR5 _overflow
110101 [53] Reserved 010101 [21] TMR4 _out
110100 [52] Reserved 010100 [20] TMR3 _overflow
110011 [51] Reserved 010011 [19] TMR2 _out
110010 [50] CWG1B_out 010010 [18] TMR1 _overflow
110001 [49] CWG1A_out 010001 [17] TMR0 _overflow
110000 [48] SCK2 010000 [16] CLKR _out
101111 [47] SDO2 001111 [15] ADCRC
101110 [46] SCK1 001110 [14] SOSC
101101 [45] SDO1 001101 [13] SFINTOSC (1MHz)
101100 [44] EUSART2_TX/CK_out 001100 [12] MFINTOSC (32 kHz)
101011 [43] EUSART2_DT_out 001011 [11] MFINTOSC (500 kHz)
101010 [42] EUSART1_TX/CK_out 001010 [10] LFINTOSC
101001 [41] EUSART1_DT_out 001001 [9] HFINTOSC
101000 [40] CLC8_out 001000 [8] FOSC
100111 [39] CLC7_out 000111 [7] CLCIN7PPS
100110 [38] CLC6_out 000110 [6] CLCIN6PPS
100101 [37] CLC5_out 000101 [5] CLCIN5PPS
100100 [36] CLC4_out 000100 [4] CLCIN4PPS
100011 [35] CLC3_out 000011 [3] CLCIN3PPS
100010 [34] CLC2_out 000010 [2] CLCIN2PPS
100001 [33] CLC1_out 000001 [1] CLCIN1PPS
100000 [32] DSM1_out 000000 [0] CLCIN0PPS
Data inputs are selected with CLCxSEL0 through CLCxSEL3 registers.
Important: Data selections are undefined at power-up.