22.6.3 CCPRx

Capture/Compare/Pulse Width Register
Name: CCPRx
Address: 0xFA9,0xFA5

Bit 15141312111098 
Reset xxxxxxxx 
Bit 76543210 
Reset xxxxxxxx 

Bits 15:0 – CCPR[15:0] Capture/Compare/Pulse Width

Note: The individual bytes in this multi-byte register can be accessed with the following register names:
  • When MODE = Capture or Compare
    • CCPRxH: Accesses the high byte CCPR[15:8]
    • CCPRxL: Accesses the low byte CCPR[7:0]
  • When MODE = PWM and FMT=0
    • CCPRxH[7:2]: Not used
    • CCPRxH[1:0]: Accesses the two Most Significant bits CCPR[9:8]
    • CCPRxL: Accesses the eight Least Significant bits CCPR[7:0]
  • When MODE = PWM and FMT=1
    • CCPRxH: Accesses the eight Most Significant bits CCPR[9:2]
    • CCPRxL[7:6]: Accesses the two Least Significant bits CCPR[1:0]
    • CCPRxL[5:0]: Not used