8.5.2 Dashboard Sidebar Buttons

Buttons on the left side of the Dashboard window provide access to functions.

Table 8-4. Sidebar Buttons
Button IconFunction
Project Properties

Displays the Project Properties window.

Refresh Debug Tool Status

Click this to see hardware debug tool details.

Toggle Software Breakpoint – Enabled/Disabled

Click to alternately enable or disable software breakpoints.

The state of this feature is shown in the icon:

  • Red center: Disabled
  • Green center: Enabled
  • Black center: Not supported – when you have exceeded the number of break points available for your device or tool.
Open Device Data sheets

Get a device data sheet from the Microchip web site:


Click to either open a saved, local data sheet or open a browser to go to the Microchip web site to search for a data sheet.

Compiler Help

Click to open the Master Index (if available) for documents in the docs folder of the compiler installation directory.