Hardware Setup

To get started a few modifications need to be made to the hardware. The areas of the PIC32MX470 Curiosity board that need modification are shown in the figure below.

In order to use the MPLAB ICE 4 with the PIC32MX470 Curiosity board, the ICSP header area (J16) must be populated.

Todo: Mount a 6-pin ICSP header on the Curiosity board.

The PIC32MX470 Curiosity board already contains a programmer/debugger (PK4oB). So to use the MPLAB ICE 4 as a programmer/debugger, the on-board debugger must be disabled.

Todo: Remove jumper J2 to disconnect the on-board debugger.

The MPLAB ICE 4 will be used to power the PIC32MX470 Curiosity board. This will be set up in software later. Since neither USB connections will be used to power the board, the Power In jumper (J8) must select an external + 5V power supply.

Todo: Move J8 jumper to position 5-3 (P/S).