List of Error and Warning Messages

Table 3-9. Error and Warning Messages
Message Meaning
Error Messages
E0101_SIM_FAILED_TO_DISASSEMBLE_INSTRUCTION E0101-SIM: Failed to disassemble instruction
E0102_SIM_INVALID_INSTRUCTION E0102-SIM: Invalid Instruction address
E0103_SIM_FAILED_TO_PARSE_SCL E0103-SIM: Failed to parse SCL
E0104_SIM_NO_VALUE_AVAILABLE E0104-SIM: No value available
E0105_SIM_FAILED_TO_INIT_PERIPHERAL E0105-SIM: Failed to init peripheral
E0106_SIM_ATTEMPT_TO_SET_PIN E0106-SIM: Attempt to set pin instead of signal
E0107_SIM_SFR_UPDATE_EXCEPTION E0107-SIM: An SFR Update method has thrown an exception: {0}
E0108_SIM_FAILED_OPERATION E0108-SIM: Failed simulator operation: {0}
E0109_SIM_FAILED_TO_CLOSE_FILE E0109-SIM: Failed to close UART file.
E0110_SIM_FAILED_TO_EXECUTE_INSTRUCTION E0110-SIM: Failed to execute instruction at {0}.
E0111_SIM_UNEXPECTED_INSTRUCTION E0111-SIM: Unexpected instruction {0}.
E0112_SIM_NO_PINS_IN_PIC_FILE E0112-SIM: No pins were found in device data file (PIC).
Warning Messages
W0001_CORE_BITREV_MODULO_EN W0001-CORE: Bit-reversed and Modulo addressing are both enabled.
W0002_CORE_SECURE_MEMORYACCESS W0002-CORE: Secure memory access, occurred from instruction at {0}.
W0003_CORE_SW_RESET W0003-CORE: Software Reset Instruction called at PC
W0004_CORE_WDT_RESET W0004-CORE: Watchdog Timer has caused a Reset.
W0005_CORE_IOPUW_RESET W0005-CORE: Illegal opcode or uninitialized WREG has caused a reset.
W0006_CORE_CODE_GUARD_PFC_RESET W0006-CORE: Illegal Code Guard Access caused Illegal opcode Reset.
W0007_CORE_DO_LOOP_STACK_UNDERFLOW W0007-CORE: Nested do loop stack pop resulted in stack underflow.
W0008_CORE_DO_LOOP_STACK_OVERFLOW W0008-CORE: Nested do loop stack push resulted in stack overflow.
W0009_CORE_NESTED_DO_LOOP_RANGE W0009-CORE: The nested do level in CORCON<DL> was out of range: 0 <
W0010_CORE_SIM32_ODD_WORDACCESS W0010-CORE: An odd address WORD was accessed in RAM or PROM (flash).
W0011_CORE_SIM32_UNIMPLEMENTED_RAMACCESS W0011-CORE: Access attempt to unimplemented RAM memory.
W0012_CORE_STACK_OVERFLOW_RESET W0012-CORE: Device Resets on stack overflow.
W0013_CORE_STACK_UNDERFLOW_RESET W0013-CORE: Device Resets on stack underflow.
W0014_CORE_INVALID_OPCODE W0014-CORE: Invalid opcode {0}
W0015_CORE_INVALID_ALT_WREG_SET W0015-CORE: Invalid alternate register set specified in CTXTSTAT.CCTXI {0}
W0016_CORE_STACK_ERROR W0016-CORE: Trap due to stack error, occurred from instruction at {0}.
W0017_CORE_ODD_RAMWORDACCESS W0017-CORE: Trap due to misaligned data word access, occurred from instruction at {0}.
W0018_CORE_UNIMPLEMENTED_RAMACCESS W0018-CORE: Trap due to unimplemented RAM memory access, occurred from instruction at {0}.
W0019_CORE_UNIMPLEMENTED_PROMACCESS W0019-CORE: Trap due to unimplemented FLASH memory access, occurred from instruction at {0}.
W0020_CORE_ACCESS_NOTIN_X_SPACE W0020-CORE: Trap due to memory access outside X data space, occurred from instruction at {0}.
W0021_CORE_ACCESS_NOTIN_Y_SPACE W0021-CORE: Trap due to memory access outside Y data space, occurred from instruction at {0}.
W0024_CORE_BITREV_MOD_IS_ZERO W0024-CORE: In bit-reversed mode and the modifier is 0.
W0025_CORE_HARD_TRAP W0025-CORE: Reset due to Hard Trap from Low Priority Trap while processing Higher Priority Trap at {0}.
W0026_CORE_UNIMPLEMENTED_MEMORYACCESS W0026-CORE: Trap due to unimplemented RAM or PSV memory access, occurred from instruction at {0}.
W0027_CORE_UNIMPLEMENTED_EDSACCESS W0027-CORE: Trap due to Page 0 EDS memory access, occurred from instruction at {0}.
W0028_TBLRD_WORM_CONFIG_MEMORY W0028-CORE: Simulator does not support WORM Configuration memory. Read WORM config memory in range 0x{0} to 0x{1} probably will not give you the same result as real device.
W0029_TBLRD_DEVICE_ID W0029-CORE: Simulator does not support Device ID section. Read address 0x{0}, which is in the Device ID section, probably will not give you the same result as real device.
W0030_CORE_UNIMPLEMENTED_MEMORY_ACCESS W0030-CORE: Instruction at {0} attempted unimplemented memory access ({1})
W0031_BSLIM_INSUFFICIENT_BOOT_SEGMENT W0031-CORE: Boot segment should be at least 2 pages to support AIVT.
W0032_BSLIM_LIMITS_EXCEEDS_PROG_MEMORY W0032-CORE: BSLIM value exceeds available program memory space.
W0033_CORE_UNPREDICTABLE_OPCODE W0033-CORE: Unpredictable opcode at {0}
W0034_CORE_UNALIGNED_MEMORY_ACCESS W0034-CORE: Unaligned memory access at {0}
W0035_CORE_UNIMPLEMENTED_RAMACCESS_NOTRAP W0035-CORE: Unimplemented RAM memory access, occurred from instruction at {0}.
W0036_UNIMPLEMENTED_INSTRUCTION W0036-CORE: Unimplemented instruction:
W0040_FPU_DIFF_CP10_CP11 W0040-FPU: At {0}, UNPREDICTABLE due to different values in CPACR.CP10 and CPACR.CP11.
W0041_FPU_ACCESS_DENIED W0041-FPU: At {0}, attempted access FPU, but FPU access privilege is access denied.
W0042_FPU_PRIVILEGED_ACCESS_ONLY W0042-FPU: At {0}, attempted access FPU in unprivileged mode, but FPU access privilege is privileged access only.
W0043_FPU_CP_RESERVED_VALUE W0043-FPU: At {0}, attempted access FPU, but CPACR.CP10 has reserved value.
W0044_FPU_OUT_OF_RANGE W0044-FPU: At {0}, but ARM Cortex M7 only supports S0-S31 and D0-D15.
W0051_INSTRUCTION_DIV_NOT_ENOUGH_REPEAT W0051-INSTRUCTION: New lightning divide instruction requires REPEAT with an iteration count of 5, but your program only have {0}. The result may not be correct.
W0052_INSTRUCTION_DIV_TOO_MANY_REPEAT W0052-INSTRUCTION: New lightning divide instruction only needs REPEAT with an iteration count of 5, but iteration count of {0} will also give the correct result.
W0053_INVALID_INTCON_VS_FIELD_VALUE W0053-INTCON: VS Field value selected is reserved.
W0101_SIM_UPDATE_FAILED W0101-SIM: Notified Update() method failed: {0}
W0102_SIM_PERIPH_MISSING W0102-SIM: Peripheral Missing: {0}
W0103_SIM_PERIPH_FAILED W0103-SIM: Peripheral Failed: {0}
W0104_SIM_FAILED_TO_INIT_TOOL W0104-SIM: Failed to init tool
W0105_SIM_INVALID_FIELD W0105-SIM: Invalid field value: {0}
W0106_SIM_PERIPH_PARTIAL_SUPPORT W0106-SIM: This device only has partial support for {0} peripheral. {1}
W0107_SIM_NOT_SUPPORTED W0107-SIM: {0} may not be supported because {1}.
W0108_SIM_RESERVED_SETTING W0108-SIM: Reserved setting: {0}
W0109_SIM_PERIPHERAL_IN_DEVELOPMENT W0109-SIM: {0} peripheral still in development - should not be used.
W0110_SIM_UNEXPECTED_EVENT W0110-SIM: Something unexpected happened, tell Microchip about it: {0}
W0111_SIM_UNSUPPORTED_SELECTION W0111-SIM: The selection is not supported: {0}
W0112_SIM_INVALID_OPERATION W0112-SIM: The operation is not valid: {0}
W0113_SIM_WRITE_TO_PROTECTED_SFR W0113-SIM: A write to a protected SFR was attempted: {0} {1}.
W0114_SIM_INVALID_KEY W0114-SIM: Invalid KEY {0}. The correct PASSWD should be {1}.
W0115_SIM_FAILED_TO_PARSE_DEVICE_FILE W0115-SIM: Failed to parse device file: {0}
W0116_SIM_STACK_OVERFLOW W0116-SIM: Last push caused a stack overflow
W0117_SIM_STACK_UNDERFLOW W0117-SIM: Last pop caused a stack underflow
W0118_SIM_INVALID_FIELD_VALUE W0118-SIM: Invalid field value {0}
W0119_SIM_SAMPLING_RATE_VIOLATION W0119-SIM: Sampling rate too high for current limit set in CTRLB.CURRLIMIT
W0201_ADC_NO_STIMULUS_FILE W0201-ADC: No stimulus file attached to the ADC output buffer: {0}
W0202_ADC_GO_DONE_BIT W0202-ADC: The Go/Done bit must not be set in the same cycle as the Enable bit.
W0203_ADC_MINIMUM_2_TAD W0203-ADC: A Minimum of 2 TADs are required before another conversion should be started.
W0204_ADC_TAD_TOO_SMALL W0204-ADC: Tad time is less than: {0}
W0205_ADC_UNEXPECTED_TRANSITION W0205-ADC: Unexpected state transition (contact Microchip): {0}
W0206_ADC_SAMP_TIME_TOO_SHORT W0206-ADC: Sample time too short: {0}
W0207_ADC_NO_PINS_SCANNED W0207-ADC: No pins scanned.
W0208_ADC_UNSUPPORTED_CLOCK_SOURCE W0208-ADC: Simulator does not support clock source, system clock used: {0}
W0209_ADC_ANALOG_CHANNEL_DIGITAL W0209-ADC: Analog channel pin is configured as digital.
W0210_ADC_ANALOG_CHANNEL_OUTPUT W0210-ADC: Analog channel pin is configured as output.
W0211_ADC_PIN_INVALID_CHANNEL W0211-ADC: Selected channel is an invalid channel. The channel selected: {0}
W0212_ADC_BAND_GAP_NOT_SUPPORTED W0212-ADC: Bandgap reference voltage not supported by simulator
W0213_ADC_RESERVED_SSRC W0213-ADC: SSRC value not supported: {0}
W0214_ADC_POSITIVE_INPUT_DIGITAL W0214-ADC: Positive input pin is configured as digital. {0}
W0215_ADC_POSITIVE_INPUT_OUTPUT W0215-ADC: Positive input pin is configured as output. {0}
W0216_ADC_NEGATIVE_INPUT_DIGITAL W0216-ADC: Negative input pin is configured as digital. {0}
W0217_ADC_NEGATIVE_INPUT_OUTPUT W0217-ADC: Negative input pin is configured as output. {0}
W0218_ADC_REFERENCE_HIGH_DIGITAL W0218-ADC: ADC reference high pin is configured as digital.
W0219_ADC_REFERENCE_HIGH_OUTPUT W0219-ADC: ADC reference high pin is configured as output.
W0220_ADC_REFERENCE_LOW_DIGITAL W0220-ADC: ADC reference low pin is configured as digital.
W0221_ADC_REFERENCE_LOW_OUTPUT W0221-ADC: ADC reference low pin is configured as output.
W0222_ADC_OVERFLOW W0222-ADC: ADC input voltage high. ADC output overflow.
W0223_ADC_UNDERFLOW W0223-ADC: ADC input voltage low. ADC output underflow.
W0224_ADC_CTMU_NOT_SUPPORTED W0224-ADC: CTMU not supported.
W0225_ADC_INVALID_CH0S W0225-ADC: Invalid CH0S value.
W0226_ADC_VBAT_NOT_SUPPORTED W0226-ADC: Vbat not supported.
W0227_ADC_INVALID_ADCS W0227-ADC: Invalid ADCS value.
W0228_ADC_INVALID_ADCS W0228-ADC: No high reference pin found.
W0229_ADC_INVALID_ADCS W0229-ADC: No low reference pin found.
W0230_ADC_TRIGSEL_NOT_SUPPORTED W0230-ADC: TRIGSEL values other than default not supported.
W0231_ADC_NOT_WARMED W0231-ADC: Core({0}) enabled before warmed.
W0232_ADC_CALIBRATION_ABORTED W0232-ADC: Core({0}) calibration aborted before completed.
W0233_ADC_CORE_POWERED_EARLY W0233-ADC: Core({0}) xxxPWR bit set before ADON.
W0234_ADC_ALREADY_CALIBRATING W0234-ADC: Core({0}) Already calibrating when another calibration request was made.
W0235_ADC_CAL_TYPE_CHANGED W0235-ADC: Core({0}) Calibration type changed while already calibrating.
W0236_ADC_CAL_INVALIDATED W0236-ADC: Core({0}) Calibration invalidated.
W0237_ADC_UNKNOWN_DATASHEET W0237-ADC: ADC emulation does not support current datasheet {0} - contact Microchip.
W0238_ADC_INVALID_SFR_FIELD_VALUE W0238-ADC: Invalid value for {0} ({1})
W0239_ADC_UNSUPPORTED_INPUT W0239-ADC: ADC emulation does not support input from {0}
W0240_ADC_NOT_CALIBRATED W0240-ADC: Conversion started when not calibrated {0}
W0241_ADC_FRACTIONAL_NOT_ALLOWED W0241-ADC: Fractional format not allowed while using oversampling digital filter
W0242_ADC_BG_INT_BEFORE_PWR W0242-ADC: REFCIE or REFERCIE enabled before ADC enabled - could cause spurious interrupt
W0243_ADC_INVALID_TAD W0243-ADC: Invalid TAD {0} {1}
W0244_ADC_CONVERSION_ABORTED W0244-ADC: Conversion aborted
W0245_ADC_BUFREGEN_NOT_ALLOWED W0245-ADC: BUFREGEN has to be used with pins selected as input; using FIFO instead.
W0246_ADC_ACCUMULATION_BAD_RESSEL W0246-ADC: > 1 samples selected in SAMPLENUM but RESSEL field not set for 16 bits output - accumulating 12 bits samples.
W0247_ADC_CONVERSION_BAD_RESSEL W0247-ADC: 1 sample selected in SAMPLENUM but RESSEL field set for 16 bits output - taking a 12 bits sample.
W0248_ADC_WR_BEFORE_KEY_SEQ W0248-ADC: WR bit set before key sequence completed
W0400_PWM_PWM_FASTER_THAN_FOSC W0400-PWM: PWM{0} clock faster than Fosc
W0600_WDT_2ND_WDT_MR_WRITE w0600-WDT: WDT_MR written more than once at 0x{0}
W0601_WDT_EXPIRED W0601-WDT: WDT expired at {0}
W0601_WDT_RESET_OUTSIDE_WINDOW W0602-WDT: WDT cleared outside 0-WDD window at {0}
W0700_CLC_GENERAL_WARNING W0700-CLC: Simulator does not simulate the propagation delay, so the output timing may not be accuracy and using the CLC output as its own input will create a infinite circular loop.
W0701_CLC_CLCOUT_AS_INPUT W0701-CLC: Simulator does not support using the CLC output as its own input.
W0702_CLC_CIRCULAR_LOOP W0702-CLC: Circular loop detected. This CLC output loopback as one of its inputs. Simulator CLC output may become incorrect.
W0800_ACC_INPUT_INVALID_CONFIG W0800-ACC: Selected input pin configured incorrectly: {0}
W0801_ACC_INPUT_NOT_SUPPORTED W0801-ACC: Input {0} not supported
W0802_ACC_INVERTED_WINDOW_LIMITS W0802-ACC: Comparator pair {0} has upper limit below lower limit
W0803_ACC_MISMATCHED_POS_INPUTS W0803-ACC: Comparator pair {0} has mismatched positive inputs
W0804_ACC_WINDOW_COMP_DISABLED W0804-ACC: Comparator pair {0} has at least one of its comparators disabled
W0805_ACC_WINDOW_COMPS_MODES W0805-ACC: Comparator pair {0} comparators have different COMPCTRL#.SINGLE values
W0806_ACC_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED W0806-ACC: Feature {0} is not supported in the simulator
W1201_DATAFLASH_MEM_OUTSIDE_RANGE W1201-DATAFLASH: Attempt to {0} memory at {1} outside of dataflash memory range.
W1202_DATAFLASH_ERASE_WHILE_LOCKED W1202-DATAFLASH: Attempt to erase dataflash memory while locked.
W1203_DATAFLASH_WRITE_WHILE_LOCKED W1203-DATAFLASH: Attempt to write dataflash memory while locked.
W1401_DMA_PERIPH_NOT_AVAIL W1401-DMA: The desired peripheral is not available: {0}.
W1402_DMA_INVALID_IRQ W1402-DMA: The desired IRQ is not associated with a DMA peripheral: {0}.
W1403_DMA_INVALID_SFR W1403-DMA: The peripheral address is not SFR expected with this IRQ: {0}.
W1404_DMA_INVALID_DMA_ADDR W1404-DMA: The address is not a valid DMA address: {0}.
W1405_DMA_IRQ_DIR_MISMATCH W1405-DMA: The selected DMA direction is not that expected for the selected IRQ: {0}.
W1600_PPS_INVALID_MAP W1600-PPS: Invalid attempt to map pin ({0}) to pin ({1}).
W1601_PPS_INVALID_PIN_DESCRIPTION W1601-PPS: Suspect database entry for PPS pin {0}. Contact Microchip.
W1800_PWM_TIMER_SELECTION_NOT_AVIALABLE W1800-PWM: PWM timer selection {0} is not available or not supported.
W1801_PWM_TIMER_SELECTION_BAD_CLOCK_INPUT W1801-PWM: TMR{0} clock input is not FOSC/4. It is required to have FOSC/4 as the clock input to TMR{0} for correct PWM operation.
W1802_PWM_TIMER_MISSING_PERSCALER_INFO W1802-PWM: Simulator could not handle the PWM timer selection prescaler. The PWM output could be invalid.
W2001_INPUTCAPTURE_TMR3_UNAVAILABLE W2001-INPUTCAPTURE: TMR3 is not available for this part. Capture buffer will have a value of 0 for each TMR3 capture.
W2002_INPUTCAPTURE_CAPTURE_EMPTY W2002-INPUTCAPTURE: The capture buffer was empty.
W2003_INPUTCAPTURE_SYNCSEL_NOT_AVIALABLE W2003-INPUTCAPTURE: Source {0} is reserved or the source peripheral is not available.
W2004_INPUTCAPTURE_BAD_SYNC_SOURCE W2004-INPUTCAPTURE: Source {0} should only be used as trigger sources
W2501_OUTPUTCOMPARE_SYNCSEL_NOT_AVIALABLE W2501-OUTPUTCOMPARE: Source {0} is reserved or the source peripheral is not available.
W2502_OUTPUTCOMPARE_BAD_SYNC_SOURCE W2502-OUTPUTCOMPARE: Source {0} should only be used as trigger sources.
W2503_OUTPUTCOMPARE_BAD_TRIGGER_SOURCE W2503-OUTPUTCOMPARE: Source {0} should not be used as {1}trigger source.
W2700_MPU_ILLEGAL_DREGION W2700-MPU: MPU_TYPE.DREGION was {0}. Only legal values are 8 and 16.
W2701_MPU_INVALID_REGION W2701-MPU: MPU_RNR.REGION was {0}. It must be less than {1}.
W3000_LPM_READ_PROTECTION_SECTION W3000-LPM: LPM executing at {0} is not allowed to read {1} with current Boot Lock bits setting.
W3010_SPM_WRITE_PROTECTION_SECTION W3010-SPM: SPM is not allowed to write to {1} with current Boot Lock bits setting.
W6001_RTT_FORBIDDEN_RTPRES W6001-RTT: Programming RTPRES to 1 or 2 is forbidden.
W6002_RTT_BAD_WRITING_ALMV W6002-RTT: Try to write a new ALMV value when ALMIEN in RTT_MR is set.
W6003_RTT_BAD_WRITING_RTPRES W6003-RTT: Try to write a new RTPRES value when RTTINCIEN bit is set.
W7001_SMT_CLK_SELECTION_NOT_SUPPORT W7001-SMT: SMT partial support for this device. If {0} is not the clock selection for {1}, this clock selection is not support yet.
W7002_SMT_SIG_SELECTION_NOT_SUPPORT W7002-SMT: SMT partial support for this device. If {0} is not the signal selection for {1}, this signal selection is not support yet.
W7003_SMT_WIN_SELECTION_NOT_SUPPORT W7003-SMT: SMT partial support for this device. If {0} is not the window selection for {1}, this window selection is not support yet.
W8001_OSC_INVALID_CLOCK_SOURCE W8001-OSC: Clock source selection invalid; OSC is not enabled.
W8002_OSC_RESERVED_FEXTOSC W8002-OSC: Reserved External Oscillator mode Selection. Oscillator not enabled.
W9001_TMR_GATE_AND_EXTCLOCK_ENABLED W9001-TMR: Gate control cannot be enabled at the same time as external clock control.
W9002_TMR_NO_PIN_AVAILABLE W9002-TMR: Gate or external clock mode is enabled, but no pin is available.
W9003_TMR_INVALID_CLOCK_SOURCE W9003-TMR: Clock source selection invalid; timer will not increment.
W9201_UART_TX_OVERFLOW W9201-UART: Write attempted to a full FIFO buffer, data lost.
W9202_UART_TX_CAPTUREFILE W9202-UART: Error opening Tx UART capture file: {0}.
W9203_UART_TX_INVALIDINTERRUPTMODE W9203-UART: Invalid Tx UART interrupt mode set: {0}.
W9204_UART_RX_EMPTY_QUEUE W9204-UART: Rx UART FIFO queue empty.
W9205_UART_TX_BADFILE W9205-UART: Could not write file: {0}.
W9206_UART_RESERVED_MODE W9206-UART: Selected Mode is either reserved or not yet supported: {0}.
W9207_UART_UNABLETOCLOSE_FILE W9207-UART: Unable to close file: {0}.
W9401_CVREF_INVALIDSOURCESELECTION W9401-CVREF: Positive Source Selection option(11) is reserved.Do not use.Positive Source is floating.
W9402_CVREF_INPUT_OUTPUTPINCONFLICT W9402-CVREF: Potential Scenario where output pin is looped back as input.
W9601_COMP_FVR_SOURCE_UNAVAILABLE W9601-COMP:FVR Voltage source not available as input to this Comparator.
W9602_COMP_DAC_SOURCE_UNAVAILABLE W9602-COMP:DAC Voltage Source Peripheral not yet implemented to act as input to Comparator.
W9603_COMP_CVREF_SOURCE_UNAVAILABLE W9603-COMP:CVREF Voltage Source Peripheral not available as input to this Comparator.
W9604_COMP_SLOPE_SOURCE_UNAVAILABLE W9604-COMP:Slope Generator Voltage Source Peripheral not available as input to this Comparator.
W9605_COMP_PRG_SOURCE_UNAVAILABLE W9605-COMP:Programmable Ramp Generator Voltage Source Peripheral not available as input to this Comparator.
W9607_COMP_DGTL_FLTR_OPTION_UNAVAILABLE W9607-COMP:Digital Filter selection reserved,SYSCLK will be used instead.
W9609_COMP_DGTL_FLTR_CLK_UNAVAILABLE W9609-COMP:REFCLK3 not implemented,SYSCLK will be used instead.
W9801_FVR_INVALID_MODE_SELECTION W9801-FVR:FVR Voltage Selection bits(11) not Valid.Reserved, Do not use.
W9901_RTSP_INVALID_OPERATION_SELECTION W9901-RTSP:Reserved NVMOP Operation Selection bits.
W9902_RTSP_FLASH_PROGRAM_WRITE_PROTECTED W9902-RTSP:Flash Program Memory Location appears to be Write Protected using CodeGuard.
W10001_RESERVED_IRQ_HANDLER_INVOKED W10001-IRQ:RESERVED IRQ is set for handling.Will be ignored.
W10002_UNSUPPORTED_CLK_SOURCE W10002-SYSTICK:External Clock selection is not yet supported.
W10101_UNSUPPORTED_CHANNEL_MODE W10101-UART:Channel Mode Selected is not yet supported.
W10102_UNSUPPORTED_CLK_SOURCE W10102-UART:PMC-Programmable Clock source is not yet supported.
W10103_UNSUPPORTED_RECEIVER_FILTER W10103-UART:Receiver digital filter is not yet supported.PPS_MISSING_SFR
W10301_NO_PORT_PINS_FOUND W10301-PORT:No port pins were found in device datafile
W10500_UNSUPPORTED_SOURCE W10500-EVSYS: Channel source selection unsupported by simulator (channel {0})