Library Interface

Debug System Service library provides the following interfaces:


SYS_DEBUG_InitializeInitializes the global error level and specific module instance
SYS_DEBUG_StatusReturns status of the specific instance of the debug service module
SYS_DEBUG_ErrorLevelSetSets the global system error reporting level
SYS_DEBUG_ErrorLevelGetReturns the global system Error reporting level
SYS_DEBUG_RedirectAllows re-direction of debug system service to another console instance
SYS_DEBUG_ConsoleInstanceGetReturns console instance used by debug system service

Data types and constants

SYS_ERROR_LEVELEnumSystem error message priority levels
SYS_DEBUG_INDEX_0MacroDebug System Service index
SYS_DEBUG_MESSAGEMacroPrints a debug message if the system error level is defined at or lower than the level specified
SYS_DEBUG_PRINTMacroFormats and prints an error message if the system error level is defined at or lower than the level specified
SYS_DEBUG_BreakPointMacroInserts a software breakpoint instruction when building in Debug mode