DRV_SST38_Open Function


DRV_HANDLE DRV_SST38_Open( const SYS_MODULE_INDEX drvIndex, const DRV_IO_INTENT ioIntent )


Opens the specified SST38 driver instance and returns a handle to it.


This routine opens the specified SST38 driver instance and provides a handle.

This handle must be provided to all other client-level operations to identify the caller and the instance of the driver.


Function DRV_SST38_Initialize must have been called before calling this function.

The driver should be in ready state to accept the request. Can be checked by calling DRV_SST38_Status().


drvIndexIdentifier for the instance to be opened
ioIntentZero or more of the values from the enumeration DRV_IO_INTENT "ORed" together to indicate the intended use of the driver


If successful, the routine returns a valid open-instance handle (a number identifying both the caller and the module instance).

If an error occurs, DRV_HANDLE_INVALID is returned. Errors can occur under the following circumstances:

  • If the driver hardware instance being opened is not initialized.


DRV_HANDLE handle;

handle = DRV_SST38_Open(DRV_SST38_INDEX);
if (DRV_HANDLE_INVALID == handle)
    printf("Unable to open the driver");


The handle returned is valid until the DRV_SST38_Close routine is called.

If the driver has already been opened, it should not be opened again.