
Table 3-11. Graph Specific Parameters
Title colorColorSelects the color of the title text
Background colorColorSelects the color of the complete Graph element background
Graph background colorColorSelects the color of the graph plot area background
TitleStringTitle of the graph
Number of plotsNumericNumber of plots to display in the graph. Each plot will have its own sink endpoint.
X MinimumNumericMinimum value of X axis
X MaximumNumericMaximum value of X axis
Y MinimumNumericMinimum value of Y axis
Y MaximumNumericMaximum value of Y axis
Mouse InteractionCheckboxEnable mouse interaction with the Graph element
Fit to rightCheckboxExpand the Graph element to the right edge of the dashboard
AutoscaleCheckboxAutomatically scale Y axis accoriding to plot data
Scroll by timeCheckboxScroll X axis by time. If not checked the X axis will scroll by incoming plot samples.
Show plotCheckboxView continuous graph plot (sample points interconnected)
Show pointsCheckboxShow single samples as dots