Zooming and Panning

When the Auto-scroll and Automatically fit Y check boxes are checked, the last samples will be shown and the Y axis will be zoomed such that all values will be visible.

For manually zooming in or out or inspecting a region in more detail, disable these options and zoom and pan using the mouse.

Zooming the X Axis

The X axis can be zoomed in two different ways:

  • Using the mouse scroll wheel
    1. Click somewhere inside the plot area.
    2. Press and hold the SHIFT key on the keyboard.
    3. Scroll the mouse wheel in either direction.

    The X axis will zoom in or out (depending on which way you turned the mouse wheel), centered around the mouse cursor.

  • Dragging the X axis resize markers
    1. Position the mouse cursor over one of the X axis' resize markers. The mouse cursor will change into horizontal resizing arrows.
    2. Click and drag horizontally.

Zooming the Y Axis

The Y axis can be zoomed in two different ways:

  • Using the mouse scroll wheel
    1. Click somewhere inside the plot area.
    2. Press and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard.
    3. Scroll the mouse wheel in either direction.

    The Y axis will zoom in or out (depending on which way the mouse wheel is turned), centered around the mouse cursor.

  • Dragging the X axis resize markers
    1. Position the mouse cursor over one of the X axis' resize markers. The mouse cursor will change into vertical resizing arrows.
    2. Click and drag vertically.


Panning around the graph can be done in two ways:

  • Dragging the plot area

    1. Position the mouse cursor inside the plot area.

    2. Click and hold the left mouse button.

    3. Drag the mouse.

  • Dragging the axes

    1. Position the mouse cursor over one of the axes. The cursor will change into a pointing hand.

    2. Click and drag the axis.