11.3.1 ACTCON

Active Clock Tuning Control Register
Offset: 0x0214

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WRR 
Reset 0000 

Bit 7 – ACTEN Active Clock Tuning Enable

1 ACT enabled: HFINTOSC tuning is controlled by the ACT
0 ACT disabled: HFINTOSC tuning is controlled by the OSCTUNE register via user software

Bit 6 – ACTUD Active Clock Tuning Update Disable

1 ACTEN = 1 Updates to the OSCTUNE register from ACT hardware are disabled
0 ACTEN = 1 Updates to the OSCTUNE register from ACT hardware are allowed
1 ACTEN = 0 Updates to the OSCTUNE register through user software are disabled
0 ACTEN = 0 Updates to the OSCTUNE register through user software are allowed

Bit 3 – ACTLOCK Active Clock Tuning Lock Status

1 Locked: HFINTOSC is within ± 1% of its nominal value
0 Not locked: HFINTOSC may or may not be within ± 1% of its nominal value

Bit 1 – ACTORS Active Clock Tuning Out-of-Range Status

1 Value required for tuning is outside of the OSCTUNE range
0 Value required for tuning is within the OSCTUNE range