8.4.9 Security Module (SECUMOD)

SECUMOD_GPSBR is dedicated to control SECUMOD-related analog objects used for alarms or backup supply safety:

  • Enable/disable backup power switch (PWSBU) switching to VBAT on a SECUMOD autobackup event
  • Selection of VDDCPU supply monitor (SMCPU) range (depending on the processor frequency mode)
  • Selection of temperature monitor (TEMPMON) high alarm threshold (105°C/120°C typ)
  • Selection of external interrupts EXT_IRQ0/EXT_IRQ1 for Automatic Backup mode protocol

Two independent peripheral IDs are available for either SECUMOD or SECURAM.

Peripheral ID Type Security
ID_SECUMOD User interface interrupt Always Secure
ID_SECURAM Interrupt only Always Secure

Refer to the section Security Module (SECUMOD) for more details.