74.6.10 SSC Timings

Timings are provided in the following domains:
  • 1.8V domain: VDDIO from 1.7V to 1.9V, maximum external capacitor = 10 pF, DRV= 1, SR = 1
  • 3.3V domain: VDDIO from 3.0V to 3.6V, maximum external capacitor = 10 pF, DRV= 0, SR = 1
Figure 74-28. SSC Transmitter, TK and TF in Output
Figure 74-29. SSC Transmitter, TK in Input and TF in Output
Figure 74-30. SSC Transmitter, TK in Output and TF in Input
Figure 74-31. SSC Transmitter, TK and TF in Input
Figure 74-32. SSC Receiver RK and RF in Input
Figure 74-33. SSC Receiver, RK in Input and RF in Output
Figure 74-34. SSC Receiver, RK and RF in Output
Figure 74-35. SSC Receiver, RK in Output and RF in Input
Table 74-38. SSC Timings
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
SSC TX Timings - Client Mode (TK Input)
fTK TK frequency (TK input) 25.0 MHz
tTK Minimum TK period 40.0 ns
SSC1 TK edge to TF/TD 5.0 18.0 ns
SSC5 TF setup time before TK edge 0.0 ns
SSC6 TF hold time after TK edge tMCK ns
SSC7 TK edge to TF/TD with STDDLY = 0, START = 4,5,7 3 x tMCK + 5.0 18.0 ns
SSC TX Timings - Host Mode (TK Output)
fTK TK frequency (TK output) 26.7 MHz
tTK Minimum TK period 37.5 ns
SSC0 TK edge to TF/TD 0 8 ns
SSC2 TF setup time before TK edge 15 ns
SSC3 TF hold time after TK edge 0 ns
SSC4 TK edge to TF/TD with STDDLY = 0, START = 4,5,7 2 x tMCK + 0 8 ns
SSC14 TK rise time or fall time (TK input)(1) 10.0 ns
SSC RX Timings - Client Mode (RK Input)
fRK RK frequency (RK input) 25.0 MHz
tRK Minimum RK period 40.0 ns
SSC8 RF/RD setup time before RK edge 0.0 ns
SSC9 RF/RD hold time after RK edge tMCK ns
SSC10 RK edge to RF 5.0 18.0 ns
SSC RX Timings - Host Mode (RK Output)
fRK RK frequency (RK output) 26.7 MHz
tRK Minimum RK period 37.5 ns
SSC11 RD/RF setup time before RK edge 7 – tMCK ns
SSC12 RD/RF hold time after RK edge (RF input) tMCK ns
SSC13 RK edge to RF 0 8 ns
  1. SSC14 applies to RK when RK is selected instead of TK (SSC_TCMR.CKS = RK).