37.8.8 Rx Serializer Control

Offset: 0x24
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: Enable-Protected, PAC Write-Protection

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 

Bit 26 – RXLOOP Loop-back Test Mode

This bit enables a loop-back test mode:

0 Each Receiver uses its SDn pin as input (default mode).
1 Receiver uses as input the transmitter output of the other Serializer in the pair: e.g. SD1 for SD0 or SD0 for SD1.

Bit 25 – DMA Single or Multiple DMA Channels

This bit selects whether even- and odd-numbered slots use separate DMA channels or the same DMA channel.

DMA Name Description
0x0 SINGLE Single DMA channel
0x1 MULTIPLE One DMA channel per data channel

Bit 24 – MONO Mono Mode.

MONO Name Description
0x0 STEREO Normal mode
0x1 MONO Left channel data is duplicated to right channel

Bits 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 – SLOTDISx  Slot x Disabled for this Serializer [x=7..0]

This field allows disabling some slots in each transmit frame:

0 Slot x is used for data transfer.
1 Slot x is not used for data transfer and will be output as specified in the TXDEFAULT field.

Bit 15 – BITREV Data Formatting Bit Reverse

This bit allows changing the order of data bits in the word in the Formatting Unit.

BITREV Name Description
0x0 MSBIT Transfer Data Most Significant Bit (MSB) first (default for I2S protocol)
0x1 LSBIT Transfer Data Least Significant Bit (LSB) first

Bits 14:13 – EXTEND[1:0] Data Formatting Bit Extension

This field defines the bit value used to extend data samples in the Formatting Unit.

EXTEND[1:0] Name Description
0x0 ZERO Extend with zeros
0x1 ONE Extend with ones
0x2 MSBIT Extend with Most Significant Bit
0x3 LSBIT Extend with Least Significant Bit

Bit 12 – WORDADJ Data Word Formatting Adjust

This field defines left or right adjustment of data samples in the word in the Formatting Unit. for details.

WORDADJ Name Description
0x0 RIGHT Data is right adjusted in word
0x1 LEFT Data is left adjusted in word

Bits 10:8 – DATASIZE[2:0] Data Word Size

This field defines the number of bits in each data sample. For 8-bit compact stereo, two 8-bit data samples are packed in bits 15 to 0 of the DATAm register. For 16-bit compact stereo, two 16-bit data samples are packed in bits 31 to 0 of the DATAm register.

DATASIZE[2:0] Name Description
0x0 32 32 bits
0x1 24 24 bits
0x2 20 20 bits
0x3 18 18 bits
0x4 16 16 bits
0x5 16C 16 bits compact stereo
0x6 8 8 bits
0x7 8C 8 bits compact stereo

Bit 7 – SLOTADJ Data Slot Formatting Adjust

This field defines left or right adjustment of data samples in the slot.

SLOTADJ Name Description
0x0 RIGHT Data is right adjusted in slot
0x1 LEFT Data is left adjusted in slot

Bit 5 – CLKSEL Clock Unit Selection.

CLKSEL Name Description
0x0 CLK0 Use Clock Unit 0
0x1 CLK1 Use Clock Unit 1

Bits 1:0 – SERMODE[1:0] Serializer Mode.

SERMODE[1:0] Name Description
0x0 RX Receive
0x1 Reserved
0x2 PDM2 Receive one PDM data on each serial clock edge
0x3 Reserved