37.8.2 Clock Unit n Control

Offset: 0x04 + n*0x04 [n=0..1]
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: Enable-Protected, PAC Write-Protection

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 29:24 – MCKOUTDIV[5:0] Host Clock Output Division Factor

The generic clock selected by MCKSEL is divided by (MCKOUTDIV + 1) to obtain the Host Clock n output.

Bits 21:16 – MCKDIV[5:0] Host Clock Division Factor

The Host Clock n is divided by (MCKDIV + 1) to obtain the Serial Clock n.

Bit 15 – MCKOUTINV Host Clock Output Invert

0 The Host Clock n is output without inversion.
1 The Host Clock n is inverted before being output.

Bit 14 – MCKEN Host Clock Enable

Note: MCKEN will not enable the clock output when in Client mode.
0 The Host Clock n division and output is disabled.
1 The Host Clock n division and output is enabled.

Bit 13 – MCKSEL Host Clock Select

This field selects the source of the Host Clock n.

MCKSEL Name Description
0x0 GCLK GCLK_I2S_n is used as Host Clock n source
0x1 MCKPIN MCKn input pin is used as Host Clock n source

Bit 12 – SCKOUTINV Serial Clock Output Invert

0 The Serial Clock n is output without inversion.
1 The Serial Clock n is inverted before being output.

Bit 11 – SCKSEL Serial Clock Select

This field selects the source of the Serial Clock n.

SCKSEL Name Description
0x0 MCKDIV Divided Host Clock n is used as Serial Clock n source
0x1 SCKPIN SCKn input pin is used as Serial Clock n source

Bit 10 – FSOUTINV Frame Sync Output Invert

0 The Frame Sync n is output without inversion.
1 The Frame Sync n is inverted before being output.

Bit 9 – FSINV Frame Sync Invert

0 The Frame Sync n is used without inversion.
1 The Frame Sync n is inverted before being used.

Bit 8 – FSSEL Frame Sync Select

This field selects the source of the Frame Sync n.

FSSEL Name Description
0x0 SCKDIV Divided Serial Clock n is used as Frame Sync n source
0x1 FSPIN FSn input pin is used as Frame Sync n source

Bit 7 – BITDELAY Data Delay from Frame Sync

BITDELAY Name Description
0x0 LJ Left Justified (0 Bit Delay)
0x1 I2S I2S (1 Bit Delay)

Bits 6:5 – FSWIDTH[1:0] Frame Sync Width

This field selects the duration of the Frame Sync output pulses.

When not in Burst mode, the Clock unit n operates in continuous mode when enabled, with periodic Frame Sync pulses and Data samples.

In Burst mode, a single Data transfer starts at each Frame Sync pulse; these pulses are 1-bit wide and occur only when a Data transfer is requested. Note that the compact stereo modes (16C and 8C) are not supported in the Burst mode.

Note: Compact stereo modes (16C and 8C) are not supported in the Burst mode.
FSWIDTH[1:0] Name Description
0x0 SLOT Frame Sync Pulse is 1 Slot wide (default for I2S protocol)
0x1 HALF Frame Sync Pulse is half a Frame wide
0x2 BIT Frame Sync Pulse is 1 Bit wide
0x3 BURST Clock Unit n operates in Burst mode, with a 1-bit wide Frame Sync pulse per Data sample, only when Data transfer is requested

Bits 4:2 – NBSLOTS[2:0] Number of Slots in Frame

Each Frame for Clock Unit n is composed of (NBSLOTS + 1) Slots.

Bits 1:0 – SLOTSIZE[1:0] Slot Size

Each Slot for Clock Unit n is composed of a number of bits specified by SLOTSIZE.

SLOTSIZE[1:0] Name Description
0x0 8 8-bit Slot for Clock Unit n
0x1 16 16-bit Slot for Clock Unit n
0x2 24 24-bit Slot for Clock Unit n
0x3 32 32-bit Slot for Clock Unit n