Polling Service and Channel Configuration

The polling service and channel configuration define the different service/channel combinations checked during the active polling period. Up to 16 different configurations can be set up using the EEPROM address range from 0x009B to 0x00BA.

Table 3-3. Polling Array
Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0x009B pollLoopConf[0].config RfCalib VCOtune EOL EOP
0x009C pollLoopConf[0].svcChConfig enaPathB enaPathA Ch[1..0] Ser[2..0]
... ...........................
0x00B9 pollLoopConf[15].config RfCalib VCOtune EOL EOP
0x00BA pollLoopConf[15].svcChConfig enaPathB enaPathA Ch[1..0] Ser[2..0]

Each configuration consists of two bytes (see the preceding table). The first byte contains general settings, such as tuning and RF calibration, which are executed during the ramp-up of the associated service/channel configuration if enabled. The first byte also includes control information. See Polling Cycle from Related Links. The second byte defines the service/channel configuration directly, including the path information. See sEEPromPollLoopConf eepPollLoopConf from Related Links. During system initialization, the polling service and channel configuration are copied from EEPROM to the pollChanConf SRAM array located within the pollConfig structure. The polling array can be changed by writing to this SRAM location using an SPI command during IDLEMode.