2.8.2 Turn-Off Measurements

The following table shows the Augmented settings for Turn-Off measurements.

Table 2-4. Parameters Set in Software for Turn-Off Measurements
Voltage LevelTimeRGonRGoff
Turn-Off Step 13.5V200 ns
Turn-Off Step 22.0V100 ns
The following results were obtained during the testing:
  • No cross conduction observed on VGS Signal as compared to the waveform of without Augmented setting.
  • The voltage overshoot is reduced from 249V to 107V.
  • The Eoff losses are increased from 128 μJ to 328 μJ.
The following figures show the effect and the oscilloscope waveform for with and without three-level Turn-Off Augment measurement settings, with the Rgoff value set to 4Ω.
Figure 2-20. Without Turn-Off Augmented Setting
Figure 2-21. With Turn-Off Augmented Setting