33.8.8 Status

Note: This register is read- and write-synchronized: SYNCBUSY.STATUS must be checked to ensure the STATUS register synchronization is complete.
Offset: 0x0B
Reset: 0x01
Property: Read-Synchronized, Write-Synchronized

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR 
Reset 0001 

Bits 4, 5 – CCBUFVx Channel x Compare or Capture Buffer Valid

For a compare channel x, the bit x is set when a new value is written to the corresponding CCBUFx register.

The bit x is cleared by writing a '1' to it when CTRLB.LUPD is set, or it is cleared automatically by hardware on UPDATE condition. If clearing this bit manually to force an update of the CCx register, it is necessary to clear the bit two times successively.

For a capture channel x, the bit x is set when a valid capture value is stored in the CCBUFx register. The bit x is cleared automatically when the CCx register is read.

Bit 1 – SLAVE Client Status Flag

This bit is only available in 32-bit mode on the Client TC (i.e., TC1 and/or TC3). The bit is set when the associated host TC (TC0 and TC2, respectively) is set to run in 32-bit mode.

Bit 0 – STOP Stop Status Flag

This bit is set when the TC is disabled, on a Stop command, or on an overflow/underflow condition when the One-Shot bit in the Control B Set register (CTRLBSET.ONESHOT) is '1'.

0 Counter is running.
1 Counter is stopped.