31.8.2 Filling the Temporary Buffer (Page Loading)

To write an instruction word, set up the address in the Z-pointer and data in [R1:R0], write “0x00000001” to SPMCSR, and execute SPM within four clock cycles after writing SPMCSR. The content of PCWORD ([Z5:Z1]) in the Z-register is used to address the data in the temporary buffer. The temporary buffer will auto-erase after a Page Write operation or by writing the RWWSRE bit in SPMCSR (SPMCSR.RWWSRE). It is also erased after a system reset. It is not possible to write more than one time to each address without erasing the temporary buffer.

If the EEPROM is written in the middle of an SPM Page Load operation, all data loaded will be lost.