31.8.13 Simple Assembly Code Example for a Boot Loader

;-the routine writes one page of data from RAM to Flash
; the first data location in RAM is pointed to by the Y pointer
; the first data location in Flash is pointed to by the Z-pointer
;-error handling is not included
 ;-the routine must be placed inside the Boot space
; (at least the Do_spm sub routine). Only code inside NRWW section can
; be read during Self-Programming (Page Erase and Page Write).
;-registers used: r0, r1, temp1 (r16), temp2 (r17), looplo (r24), 
; loophi (r25), spmcrval (r20)
; storing and restoring of registers is not included in the routine
; register usage can be optimized at the expense of code size
;-It is assumed that either the interrupt table is moved to the Boot
; loader section or that the interrupts are disabled.

.equ PAGESIZEB = PAGESIZE*2 ;PAGESIZEB is page size in BYTES, not words


      ; Page Erase
      ldi spmcrval, (1<<PGERS) | (1<<SPMEN)
      call Do_spm

      ; re-enable the RWW section
      ; must be avoided if the page buffer is pre-filled. Will flush the page buffer.
      ldi spmcrval, (1<<RWWSRE) | (1<<SPMEN)
      call Do_spm

      ; transfer data from RAM to Flash page buffer
      ldi looplo, low(PAGESIZEB)  ;init loop variable
      ldi loophi, high(PAGESIZEB) ;not required for PAGESIZEB<=256

      ld r0, Y+
      ld r1, Y+
      ldi spmcrval, (1<<SPMEN)
      call Do_spm
      adiw ZH:ZL, 2
      sbiw loophi:looplo, 2 ;use subi for PAGESIZEB<=256
      brne Wrloop


      ; execute Page Write
      subi ZL, low(PAGESIZEB) ;restore pointer
      sbci ZH, high(PAGESIZEB) ;not required for PAGESIZEB<=256
      ldi spmcrval, (1<<PGWRT) | (1<<SPMEN)
      call Do_spm


     ; re-enable the RWW section
     ldi spmcrval, (1<<RWWSRE) | (1<<SPMEN)
     call Do_spm


     ; read back and check, optional
     ldi looplo, low(PAGESIZEB) ;init loop variable
     ldi loophi, high(PAGESIZEB) ;not required for PAGESIZEB<=256
     subi YL, low(PAGESIZEB) ;restore pointer
     sbci YH, high(PAGESIZEB)

     lpm r0, Z+
     ld r1, Y+
     cpse r0, r1
     jmp Error
     sbiw loophi:looplo, 1 ;use subi for PAGESIZEB<=256
     brne Rdloop

     ; return to RWW section
     ; verify that RWW section is safe to read

     in temp1, SPMCSR
     sbrs temp1, RWWSB ; If RWWSB is set, the RWW section is not ready yet
     ; re-enable the RWW section
     ldi spmcrval, (1<<RWWSRE) | (1<<SPMEN)
     call Do_spm
     rjmp Return 

     ; check for previous SPM complete

     in temp1, SPMCSR
     sbrc temp1, SPMEN
     rjmp Wait_spm

     ; input: spmcrval determines SPM action
     ; disable interrupts if enabled, store status
     in temp2, SREG
     ; check that no EEPROM write access is present

     sbic EECR, EEPE
     rjmp Wait_ee 
     ; SPM timed sequence
     out SPMCSR, spmcrval
     ; restore SREG (to enable interrupts if originally enabled)
     out SREG, temp2