45.6.5 IrDA Mode

The USART features an IrDA mode supplying half-duplex point-to-point wireless communication. It embeds the modulator and demodulator which allows a glueless connection to the infrared transceivers, as shown in the following figure. The modulator and demodulator are compliant with the IrDA specification version 1.1 and support data transfer speeds ranging from 2.4 kbit/s to 115.2 kbit/s.

The IrDA mode is enabled by writing the value 0x8 to US_MR.USART_MODE. The IrDA Filter register (US_IF) is used to configure the demodulator filter. The USART transmitter and receiver operate in a normal Asynchronous mode and all parameters are accessible. Note that the modulator and the demodulator are activated.

Figure 45-32. Connection to IrDA Transceivers

The receiver and the transmitter must be enabled or disabled depending on the direction of the transmission to be managed.

To receive IrDA signals, the following needs to be done:

  • Disable TX and Enable RX
  • Configure the TXD pin as PIO and set it as an output to 0 (to avoid LED emission). Disable the internal pull-up (better for power consumption).
  • Receive data