45.6.7 Modem Mode

The USART features the Modem mode, which enables control of the signals DTR (Data Terminal Ready), DSR (Data Set Ready), RTS (Request to Send), CTS (Clear to Send), DCD (Data Carrier Detect), and RI (Ring Indicator). While operating in Modem mode, the USART behaves as a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) as it drives DTR and RTS and can detect level change on DSR, DCD, CTS, and RI.

Modem mode is enabled by writing the value 0x3 to US_MR.USART_MODE. While operating in Modem mode, the USART behaves as though in Asynchronous mode and all the parameter configurations are available.

The following table provides the correspondence of the USART signals with modem connection standards.

Table 45-11. Circuit References
USART Pin V24 CCITT Direction
TXD 2 103 From terminal to modem
RTS 4 105 From terminal to modem
DTR 20 108.2 From terminal to modem
RXD 3 104 From modem to terminal
CTS 5 106 From terminal to modem
DSR 6 107 From terminal to modem
DCD 8 109 From terminal to modem
RI 22 125 From terminal to modem

The control of the DTR output pin is performed by writing a ‘1’ to the US_CR.DTRDIS and US_CR.DTREN. The disable command forces the corresponding pin to its inactive level, that is, high. The enable command forces the corresponding pin to its active level, that is, low.

The level changes are detected on the RI, DSR, DCD and CTS pins. If an input change is detected, the RIIC, DSRIC, DCDIC and CTSIC bits in the US_CSR are set and can trigger an interrupt. The status is automatically cleared when the US_CSR is read. Furthermore, the CTS automatically disables the transmitter when it is detected at its inactive state. If a character is being transmitted when the CTS rises, the character transmission is completed before the transmitter is disabled.