51.6.3 Conversion Resolution

The AFEC supports 12-bit native resolutions. Writing ‘2’ or greater to the RES field in the Extended Mode register (AFEC_EMR) automatically enables the Enhanced Resolution mode. For details on this mode, see Enhanced Resolution Mode and Digital Averaging Function.

Moreover, when a DMA channel is connected to the AFEC, a resolution lower than 16 bits sets the transfer request size to 16 bits.

Note: If ADTRG is asynchronous to the AFEC peripheral clock, the internal resynchronization introduces a jitter of 1 peripheral clock. This jitter may reduce the resolution of the converted signal. Refer to the formula below, where fIN is the frequency of the analog signal to convert and tJ is the half-period of 1 peripheral clock.
SNR = 20 × log 10 1 2 π f IN t J