51.6.17 Fault Output

The AFEC internal fault output is directly connected to the PWM fault input. Fault output may be asserted depending on the configuration of AFEC_EMR, AFEC_CWR, AFEC_TEMPMR and AFEC_TEMPCWR and converted values.

Two types of comparison can trigger a compare event (fault output pulse). The first comparison type is based on AFEC_CWR settings, thus on all converted channels except the last one; the second type is linked to the last channel where temperature is measured. As an example, overcurrent and temperature exceeding limits can trigger a fault to PWM.

When the compare occurs, the AFEC fault output generates a pulse of one peripheral clock cycle to the PWM fault input. This fault line can be enabled or disabled within the PWM. If it is activated and asserted by the AFEC, the PWM outputs are immediately placed in a safe state (pure combinational path).

Note that the AFEC fault output connected to the PWM is not the COMPE bit. Thus the Fault Mode (FMOD) within the PWM configuration must be FMOD = 1.