58.10 Temperature Sensor

The temperature sensor is connected to channel 11 of the AFE0.

The temperature sensor provides an output voltage (VTEMP) that is proportional to absolute temperature (PTAT).

Improvement of the raw performance of the temperature sensor acquisition can be achieved by performing a single temperature point calibration to remove the initial inaccuracies (VTEMP and ADC offsets).

Table 58-41. Temperature Sensor Characteristics
VTEMPOutput Voltage via AFE0_AD11TA = 25°C0.640.720.8V
dVTEMP/dTTemperature Sensitivity (Slope Voltage versus Temperature)2.062.332.60mV/°C
tSVTEMP Settling TimeWhen VTEMP is sampled by the AFEC, the required track-and-hold time to ensure 1°C accurate settling1µs
Temperature AccuracyAfter offset calibration over TA range [-40°C : +105°C]-1010°C
tSTARTStartup Time30µs
IVDDINCurrent Consumption130270µA
Note: AFE Gain Error and Offset error considered calibrated. This calibration at ambient temperature is not a feature of the product and is performed by the user's application.