Read Handshaking

For details on the read handshaking sequence, refer to the following figure and table.

Figure 18-3. Parallel Programming Timing, Read Sequence
Table 18-5. Read Handshake
StepProgrammer ActionDevice ActionDATA I/O
1Sets MODE and DATA signalsWaits for NCMD lowInput
2Clears NCMD signalLatch MODE and DATAInput
3Waits for RDY lowClears RDY signalInput
4Sets DATA signal in tristateWaits for NOE LowInput
5Clears NOE signalTristate
6Waits for NVALID lowSets DATA bus in output mode and outputs the flash contents.Output
7Clears NVALID signalOutput
8Reads value on DATA BusWaits for NOE highOutput
9Sets NOE signalOutput
10Waits for NVALID highSets DATA bus in input modeX
11Sets DATA in output modeSets NVALID signalInput
12Sets NCMD signalWaits for NCMD highInput
13Waits for RDY highSets RDY signalInput