Read Handshaking

For details on the read handshaking sequence, refer to the following figure and table.

Figure 18-3. Parallel Programming Timing, Read Sequence
Table 18-5. Read Handshake
Step Programmer Action Device Action DATA I/O
1 Sets MODE and DATA signals Waits for NCMD low Input
2 Clears NCMD signal Latch MODE and DATA Input
3 Waits for RDY low Clears RDY signal Input
4 Sets DATA signal in tristate Waits for NOE Low Input
5 Clears NOE signal Tristate
6 Waits for NVALID low Sets DATA bus in output mode and outputs the flash contents. Output
7 Clears NVALID signal Output
8 Reads value on DATA Bus Waits for NOE high Output
9 Sets NOE signal Output
10 Waits for NVALID high Sets DATA bus in input mode X
11 Sets DATA in output mode Sets NVALID signal Input
12 Sets NCMD signal Waits for NCMD high Input
13 Waits for RDY high Sets RDY signal Input