ZDO_MgmtNwkUpdateNotf_t Structure

typedef struct PACK
 /*! The parameter shows the notification status and can be: \n
 For details see \ref network_notf.
 uint8_t status;
 union PACK
 //! Conflicting address
 ShortAddr_t conflictAddress;
 //! ED scan result
 EDScan_t scanResult;
 //! Network information updated
 NetworkInf_t nwkUpdateInf;
 //! Information about joined device or failed to authenticate child event
 ChildInfo_t childInfo;
 //! Addresses of removed device
 NodeAddr_t childAddr;
 //! Extended address of updated device
 ExtAddr_t deviceExtAddr;
} ZDO_MgmtNwkUpdateNotf_t;


The ZDO_MgmtNwkUpdateNotf_t structure packages information regarding network updates for the ZDO_MgmtNwkUpdateNotf() function’s argument. This structure includes a status field that identifies the event type and an unnamed union that supplies further event-specific data. The union’s fields vary based on the event type, providing tailored information for different network update scenarios.