ZDO_ResolveAddrReq_t Structure

typedef struct _ZDO_ResolveAddrReq_t
 /** \cond SERVICE_FIELDS **/
 QueueElement_t next;
 } service; //!< Service field for internal use only, should not be touched by user
 /** \endcond **/
 uint8_t reqSeqNo;
 uint8_t reqSeqNo;
 ZdoAddrResolvingReqState_t resolveAddrState;
 APS_AddrMode_t dstAddrMode; //!< The addressing mode for identifying the destination
 APS_Address_t dstAddress; //!< Address of device for which the resolving will be executed
 ZDO_ResolveAddrConf_t confirm; //!< Parameters of the confirm being rturned in ZDO_ResolveAddrConf()
 void (*ZDO_ResolveAddrConf)(ZDO_ResolveAddrConf_t *conf); //!< The function called to confirm the request
} ZDO_ResolveAddrReq_t;


The ZDO_ResolveAddrReq_t structure describes the parameters of the ZDO_ResolveAddrReq() function.