6 MCC Classic

MCC Classic is the original plugin and user interface for the MPLAB® Code Configurator. It consists of six main operating areas, as shown in Figure 3-1.

  1. Resource Management Area: Contains the Project Resources and all the available/device resources. See Resource Management Area section for more details.
  2. Versions Area: Shows the complete list of MCC Cores, Peripheral Libraries, and Software Libraries which can be used with the selected device. Some of these are installed together with MCC. Others are available for download. Depending on the selected device, some core and library versions are interchangeable. See Versions Area section for more details.
  3. Pin Manager Package View Area: Graphic interface for pin selection and configuration. Bidirectional operation with the Pin Manager Grid View. See Pin Manager Package View Area section for more details.
  4. Pin Manager Grid View Area: Contains three inner tabs: Notifications (errors, warnings and general information regarding the current selections), Pin Manager - Grid View (a table version of the Pin Module Package View) and Output (MCC Log & MPLAB X IDE Log). See Pin Manager Grid View Area chapter for more details.
  5. Composer Area: This is the main area in which a peripheral or library driver can be configured. It displays the possible configurations of the peripheral/library. See The Composer Area chapter for more details.
Figure 6-1. MCC Operating Areas
Note: All operating areas are dockable. Each can be dragged and dropped into another position, even out of the MPLAB X IDE main window (closing the IDE, however, will close all MCC windows, including those moved outside the IDE).